Products Not Scanning in Register - How to correct

Products Not Scanning in Register - How to correct

Made by Michael Pawlisz with Scribe

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1. When you can a barcode in the register and you get this error message, there are two things you can check to correct the problem. Click "Ok" to get rid of the error message.

2. Go into the Inventory module by clicking on the Inventory icon.

3. Click "Products"

4. Click "Products" on the submenu.

5. Scan the barcode, in this example "202501001733".

6. If the item appears, it does exist. Click on the item. If it does not appear, go to Step 13.

7. If you do not see the Sales tab. Make sure Can be Sold is checked off. If it is not, check it and then you should see the Sales tab. Click "Sales".

8. Check the to see if the Available in POS is checked, if not, Click the "Available in POS?" field.

9. And then make sure the "Category?" field is set to Product.

10. Click "Products"

11. You need to check the information to make sure it is correct. Check to make sure the Product Type is a Storable Product. Check to make sure the Unit of Measure is "yd" if it is a bolt of fabric or "Units" if it is not on a bolt. Make sure the "Sale Price" is the same as on the item. Make sure the "Barcode" is the same as on the price tag.

12. Save. Your item should now be able to be scanned in the register. You should be good to go and can skip the rest of this document.

Alert: The following section is only need if you need to correct an ARCHIVED product.

13. If you scanned in your barcode and no item came up, check to see if it has been archived. Click "Filters"

14. Click "Archived"

15. If the item shows up, click on it

16. Once in the itme, Click "Action"

17. then Click "Unarchive"

18. Check to see if the Available in POS is checked, if not, Click the "Available in POS?" field.

19. Click "General Information"

20. There is information you need to make sure is correct. Check to make sure the Product Type is Storage Product. Check to make sure the Unit of Measure is "yd" if it is a bolt of fabric or "Units" if it is not on a bolt. Make sure the "Sale Price" is the same as on the item. Make sure the "Barcode" is the same as on the price tag.

21. Since the item was archived, you will need to go into the BARCODE module to adjust the inventory quantity to its proper value.

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