Zero-out Bolts or Adjusting Inventory Levels in Point of Sale System
Zero-out Bolts or Adjusting Inventory Levels in Point of Sale System
Made by Michael Pawlisz with Scribe
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1. Click on the BARCODE module icon.
2. Since we only have one location, you don't need to worry about scanning a location, just Click "Inventory Adjustments"
3. Scan the first barcode, example used: "752106031746"
4. You can easily check to see the inventory that is left; see where the arrow is pointing. If you are zeroing out the bolt, just click "-" to reduce count to 0. If you are adjusting the inventory, you click on the number and then type in the correct inventory count.
5. Scan the next bolt; example "804239". In this case, the quantity the system thinks is available is in the negative. Just click on the minus sign for this item to reduce the count to 0.
6. Click "-"
7. When done scanning your bolts, click "Apply" to save all your changes.